Building a 3D experience in visionOS: Volumes

Building a 3D experience in visionOS: Volumes

Learn how to create a 3D volumetric experience in visionOS for Apple Vision Pro by enhancing a visionOS app with an interactive model in 3D space.

Welcome back to our tutorial series on developing for visionOS! In our previous article, we explored Windows and created a basic 3D experience. Now, we're diving deeper into the spatial computing capabilities of Apple Vision Pro by focusing on Volumes.

Volumes in visionOS allow us to create truly three-dimensional interfaces that users can interact with from multiple angles. This tutorial will walk you through the process of developing a volumetric experience, showcasing their power and flexibility.

What You'll Learn

In this tutorial, you'll enhance the visionOS app we created in the previous article by adding a glass cube in the space the users can interact with. Specifically, you'll learn how to:

  1. Create and configure a volumetric window
  2. Implement 3D content using RealityView offered by RealityKit
  3. Add interactions to RealityKit objects
  4. Use RealityView attachments to display information in the space

Let's dive in and start building your first interactive volumetric experience for visionOS!


Step 1: Define a New WindowGroup for the Volume

  • Open Building_for_Vision_ProApp.swift
  • Add a new Window Group using this initializer:
  • Use "CubeVolume" as an id (this will help you follow the tutorial later)
  • Use CubeRealityView() as the view to display in the volume content. We'll create in the next step
  • Specify the Window Style to be volumetric
WindowGroup(id: "CubeVolume") {
WindowGroup(id: "CubeVolume") {
.defaultSize(width: 1, height: 0.5, depth: 0.5, in: .meters)
The defaultSize scene modifier is even more important with volumetric windows since the user cannot resize them in visionOS 1.0.

Step 2: Create the CubeRealityView

  • Create a new SwiftUI View named CubeRealityView:
    • Press Cmd + N or navigate to File > New > File
    • Select "SwiftUI View" from the template options
    • Name it CubeRealityView.swift
  • Set up the RealityView:
    • Add import RealityKit at the top of the file
    • Replace the default Text view with a RealityView
  • Create a new ModelEntity using the “Cube”
  • Add three cube entities to the RealityView content
You cannot add the same ModelEntity instance twice in a RealityView because most frameworks or engines that manage 3D scenes typically require each entity to have a unique reference within the scene. However, you can create a clone or a new instance of the ModelEntity and add that to the RealityView. This way, you effectively have two visually identical entities, but they are distinct objects within the scene.
RealityView { content in
    if let cube = try? await ModelEntity(named: "Cube") {
        let firstCube = cube.clone(recursive: false)
        firstCube.position = [0.35, 0, 0]
        firstCube.generateCollisionShapes(recursive: false)
        let secondCube = cube.clone(recursive: false)
        secondCube.position = [0, 0, 0]
        secondCube.generateCollisionShapes(recursive: false)
        let thirdCube = cube.clone(recursive: false)
        thirdCube.position = [-0.35, 0, 0]
        thirdCube.generateCollisionShapes(recursive: false)

Remember that the coordinate system in RealityView has a different unit and y-axis orientation compared to SwiftUI. The unit is 1 meter and the y-axis points upwards.
  • Set the Preview window style attribute as .volumetric
#Preview(windowStyle: .volumetric) {

Step 3: Update the LaunchView

  • Open LaunchView.swift
  • Add a state variable to track the volume status:
@State private var isVolumeOpen: Bool = false
  • Add a button to toggle the volume:
Button(isVolumeOpen ? "Close Cube Volume" : "Open Cube Volume") {
    if isVolumeOpen {
        dismissWindow(id: "CubeVolume")
        isVolumeOpen = false
    } else {
        openWindow(id: "CubeVolume")
        isVolumeOpen = true

Step 4: Implement Scale Interaction

  • In CubeRealityView.swift, add a state variable for scale:
@State private var scale: CGFloat = 1.0
    MagnifyGesture(minimumScaleDelta: 0)
        .onChanged { value in
            scale = min(max(1, value.magnification), 1.5)
  • Update the RealityView to apply the scale on entities when the state of the view changes:
RealityView { content in
} update: { content in
    for entity in content.entities {
        entity.transform.scale = [Float(scale), Float(scale), Float(scale)]

Step 5: Add a RealityView Attachment

  • Add attachments parameter to the RealityView closures
RealityView { content, attachments in
} update: { content, attachments in
  • Add an attachments: closure to the RealityView
  • Define a new “Scale Info” attachment

RealityView { content, attachments in
} update: { content, attachments in
} attachments: {
    Attachment(id: "ScaleInfo") {
        Text("Scale: \(scale)")
  • Add code to handle attachments in the main closure:
RealityView(make: { content, attachments in
    if let attachment = attachments.entity(for: "ScaleInfo"){
         attachment.position = [0, -0.1, 0.15]
}, update: { content, attachments in
}, attachments: {


Congratulations! You've now created a volumetric experience in visionOS.

You've learned how to:

  • Create and configure a volumetric window
  • Implement 3D content using RealityKit
  • Add scale interactions to 3D objects
  • Use RealityView attachments to display information in 3D space

This volumetric interface allows users to interact with 3D content in a more immersive and intuitive way, showcasing the unique capabilities of spatial computing on Apple Vision Pro.

In the next and final tutorial of this series, we'll explore Immersive Spaces, taking our visionOS app to an even more immersive level.