3000+ Subscribers
2000+ Twitter followers
18000+ Linkedin network

Book a sponsor slot

If you have any questions or are interested in a custom collaboration, you can reach out via email at sponsoring@createwithswift.com and we cycle back with you as soon as possible.

Over the years, we accumulated a highly focused and qualified audience that signed up for our mailing list with a specific interest in core Apple frameworks or attended our workshops.

We publish at least 3 articles per week and directly reach out to our audience with our weekly Newsletter. The list is maintained frequently and only contains active readers.

We share content daily on Social Media. We have a total reach of 2k+ followers on Twitter and 18k+ followers on LinkedIn with the combined audience of our main writers.

What do you get?

Our sponsoring package is offered per week. By advertising on Create with Swift for one week, you get:

  • Placement of your ad on our content pages with a call to action link during that week
  • Inclusion of your ad in the sponsorship section of our weekly newsletter on that week
  • Acknowledgment of your sponsorship on Twitter or/and LinkedIn once

We are independently organized and are not working with advertising agencies or ad distribution networks. We prefer a personal touch and human interaction and will individually tailor the process to meet your needs.

Our Audience

Create with Swift does not use Analytics or any privacy-invasive means to track user data or behavior on the website. Still, from GDPR-compliant analysis of website traffic and our registered user base, we can infer some key insights.

Our audience is global and primarily based in the US, Germany, the UK, Italy, France, and Canada. Readers are either working in the field of design or app development for Apple platforms or are learning Swift. Most read articles address typical implementation challenges for junior to mid-level developers or introduce advanced concepts or frameworks.

Among our readers are professionals from companies such as Amazon, Cisco, Disney, Intel, Nike, Paypal, Tinder, Visa and many others.

In the educational field, we have readers from institutions such as Arizona State University, Harvard University, Penn State University, Stanford University, University of California at Berkeley, Yale University, and others.

Why advertise on Create with Swift?

We are the coders and designers of imaginary institute. We teach app development with Swift at the University of Naples Federico II's Apple Developer Academy and share our knowledge with the global developer community. You may know us from developer conferences, keynotes, articles, or even through human connection.

Since 2021 we have provided insights into app development with Swift on Create with Swift and are committed to covering the latest technology releases at persistently high depth and quality.

If you want to reach our audience and support Create with Swift in the process, we can offer one unapologetically simple, yet compelling package for a weekly flat rate price or an exclusive sponsorship without any other sponsor in that week.

To meet your marketing objectives, whether it may be raising brand awareness or promoting your product or service, you can book single weeks, blocks of weeks or even months.

If you are not interested in our sponsorship packages but still want to support the project we are more than happy to welcome you!

For information about the current availability of weeks, send us an email.