Spatial Computing Create with Swift at DesignFAO This article will get you started with material created for our session presented at DesignFAO 2024.
App Design Create with Swift at SwiftLeeds This article will get you started with material created for our session presented at SwiftLeeds 2024.
App Development Create with Swift at iOSDevUK This article will get you started with material created for our workshop and session presented at iOSDevUK 2024.
App Development Create with Swift at SwiftConf This article will get you started with material created for our sessions presented at SwiftConf 2024.
App Design Create with Swift at Swift Heroes 2024 This article will get you started with material created for our session on ”Crafting better App Icons” at Swift Heroes 2024.
Spatial Computing imaginary institute at Desina02 This article will get you started with material created for the imaginary institute workshop on “Ridefinire il visibile: visionOS e le nuove frontiere dello spatial computing” at Desina02.
Accessibility Create with Swift at Swift Heroes 2023 This article will get you started with material created for our session on Make it for Everyone at Swift Heroes 2023.
AVKit Create with Swift at NSSpain 2021 This article will get you started with material created for our workshop on Creating a media streaming App with SwiftUI and AWS at NSSpain 2021.
Machine Learning Create with Swift at Swift Heroes 2021 This article will get you started with machine learning on Apple platforms with the material created for our workshop on Core ML at Swift Heroes Digital 2021.