Weekly Newsletter Issue 16

Weekly Newsletter Issue 16

Weekly newsletter summing up our publications and showcasing app developers and their amazing creations.

Welcome to this week's edition of our newsletter.

Apple has announced this year's Design Awards winners! We would like to congratulate all finalists and winners for demonstrating great accomplishments from the developer community.

WWDC 2024 is just a few days away, and we are excited to see what this year's developer conference will bring and how it will empower developers to create innovative and delightful apps.

Create with Swift will be present at the conference and we can't wait to meet all of you there! In case you are unable to follow it, don't worry, we will be covering as much as we can on our social media using the hashtag #CreateWithSwiftAtWWDC.

Follow us also on Twitter and LinkedIn if you haven't already!

Published this week

This week we have covered App Intents, visionOS and SwiftUI.

Using App Intents in a SwiftUI app

In this tutorial, Tiago and Matteo show how to create an App Intent with a custom data type as a parameter and how to make it available for users in multiple places inside the system such as Siri, Spotlight, and Shortcuts.

Using App Intents in a SwiftUI app
Learn how to add App Intents to your SwiftUI app enabling users to reach its main functionalities from anywhere on the phone.

Creating custom buttons and hover effects in visionOS

Giovanni and Emanuele dive deeper into the indirect tap gesture introduced with the Vision Pro, demonstrating how to use hover effects and visual feedback when users look at a control and pinch their fingers together to perform a tap.

Creating custom buttons and hover effects in visionOS
Use hover effects and visual feedback to enhance your app’s interactivity with system and custom buttons.

Formatting data as text in a Text view in SwiftUI

Tiago and Matteo describe how to format different types of data with different formatters and the Text view in SwiftUI.

Formatting data as text in a Text view in SwiftUI
Learn how to format different types of data within the Text view in SwiftUI


Are you looking to connect with a vibrant community of developers and designers? 

We are excited to announce that we are now offering you an exclusive opportunity to reach a highly engaged audience through our sponsorship program.

Our platform boasts over 3000 subscribers and a combined social media following of more than 22,000. By sponsoring us, you can leverage our extensive reach to amplify your brand’s presence.

To discover more about our sponsorship options check our sponsorship page or get in touch with us at sponsoring@createwithswift.com.

From the community

Here are our highlights of articles and resources created by the app developer community.

In this step by step tutorial Kavsoft show how to create a vertical circular carousel using ScrollViews and the Visual Effect API.

Bad practice: not using a ButtonStyle

Vincent explains the importance of using ButtonStyle to customize button appearances for code reusability and readability.

Bad practice: not using a ButtonStyle — Swift with Vincent
You’re more of a video kind of person? I’ve got you covered! Here’s a video with the same content than this article 🍿

Swift Package Manager framework creation in Xcode

Antoine shows how to create a Swift Package using either the terminal with SPM or directly with Xcode.

Swift Package Manager framework creation in Xcode
Create a Swift Package that works with the Swift Package manager. Add dependencies, platform requirements and work with development packages.

Indie App of the Week


Having an app icon asset with rounded corners can be necessary sometimes, such as for keynotes or branding assets. Squircle by Miká is a focused macOS app designed to address this exact need: generating app icon images with rounded corners and shadows from original squared image.

It is a simple and straightforward app with a great attention to detail. For example, the dock icon updates to match the app icon you currently drag into the app.

‎Squircle: Resize App Icons
‎Did you know that app icons aren’t just rounded rectangles, but rather sophisticated squircles? With Squircle, effortlessly transform square icons into sleek squircles, perfectly sized and shadowed to match Apple’s design guidelines. Just drag and drop your square icon into Squircle, and export ei…

Earlier this week we were working on our newsletter feed and noticed that some of the recent subscribers were not receiving the latest newsletter issues. Luckily it was a simple configuration mistake on our side, but is solved now! So if this is the first issue you have seen in your inbox since you subscribed, welcome and thank you for following us!

To ensure you never miss an issue again, we’ve created a page where you can access all the newsletters published so far:

Weekly Newsletters
Weekly Newsletters

Feel free to reach out to us if you experience any issues, have suggestions, tips, advices or requests. We love to hear from you and grow from every interaction we have with the developer community.

We can’t wait to see what you will Create with Swift.

See you next week!

Follow us also on Twitter and LinkedIn if you haven't already!